Saturday, November 9, 2024 8:00AM - 1:00PM
Preston Ridge Community Center
3655 Preston Ridge Road Suite 100, Alpharetta, GA 30005
HamJam 2024
Presented by North Fulton Amateur Radio League
Endorsed by
SouthEastern DX Club, Alford Memorial Radio Club, Atlanta Radio Club, Chattanooga Amateur Radio Club, Cherokee Amateur Radio Society, Gwinnett Amateur Radio Society, North Georgia QRP Club, Sawnee Amateur Radio Association, Kennehoochee Amateur Radio Club, Silver Comet Amateur Radio Society
HamJam is an ARRL Affiliated Event
NFARL and our sponsors are pleased to present an event to raise funds that will be used to encourage youth to get involved in amateur radio and its related STEM technologies.
The event is open to all and admission is FREE to attend thanks to your generosity in purchasing raffle tickets.
HamJam Speakers for 2024 - our 15th year!
This year's speakers will be talking about some of the various programs that are supported by the NFARL YESA (Youth Education, Scholarship and Education) Program. All funds raised by HamJam go directly into the YESA fund and are used exclusively to benefit youth involved with amateur radio.
Presentations begin at 9:00AM.
We have a great team of speakers again this year:
Greg Marco - W6IZT
Greg is no stranger to HamJam. He and fellow NFARL member Warren Merkel - KD4Z have developed the next generation Rig -in-a Box (RIB) that can be operated from anywhere in the world. The RIBs are about to be used on the DXpedition to Rotuma in November 2024. What is special about this expedition is the inclusion of three youth on the Team! Greg is trying to get younger people involved with expeditions, and your NFARL YESA program is helping sponsor one of the youth's expenses.
Jim Reed - N4BFR | Martha Muir - W4MSA | Daryl Young - K4RGK
HamJam YESA monies play an important part in covering some of the expenses associated with school/student contacts with the ISS.
Jim Storms - AB8YK


HamJam Benefits Youth Programs!
100% of net proceeds from HamJam go for youth education, scholarships,
materials, and STEM activities ONLY!
Support HamJam and Youth Programs by purchasing raffle tickets at HamJam.
Please talk this up!
Invite your ham and non-ham friends to this unique event.
It promises to be one of the southeast ham radio
highlights of the year!!!